
Gina Joy Carano began her career as a Muay Thai fighter, and she was crowned the "Face of Women's MMA. Her career began as an Muay Thai athlete and earned the title of"The Face" for women's MMA. With 12 victories to her name, she has a remarkable Muay Thai performance record. She's also the first American to win the Muay Thai title in Thailand. In her youth she did well in the gymnastics sport, jazz tap ballet, horseback riding and basketball. Jiujitsu is a different skill she is proficient in. She has seven victories with only one loss her MMA. She is a huge MMA star, she was made popular due to her powerful of the ring, as well as beauty. In her role as an actress, she been in blockbuster films in Hollywood including Haywire as well as Fast & Furious 6'. There was an allegation that she did sex in order to boost her career. Even harsh words didn't dampen her enthusiasm and the fans kept on showering her love. Her undisputed talent, her toughness and perseverance make her an inspiration for numerous.

Gina Gina Gina Gina Gina


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